Noypi Business

September 07, 2015

The Importance of Health Insurance "The Story of AJ Roxas Fil-Am Revived From death in Spain"

NEW YORK CITY - A Filipino-American from New York went into a sudden cardiac arrest while on vacation in Spain.

AJ Roxas, 23, was on vacation in Madrid en route to Barcelona when he went into a sudden cardiac death. He was rushed to a nearby hospital.

Sudden cardiac death is the largest cause of natural death in the US, accounting for about 325,000 adult deaths in the US each year.

Luckily, Roxas was revived.

Read more on Balitang America.

Without health insurance and the money to pay for all of Roxas' bills, his family created a Gofundme page. As of the latest, the Gofundme page has raised a total of $11,000 out of the $60,000 target.

Meanwhile, there is a Health Insurance in the Philippines that can help us make through our tough times.


To be able to provide the best possible care for its clients, Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc. is registered as a healthcare provider and broker for other health care companies. This allows Kaiser to source out the best possible health maintenance organization that will cater to the employee benefit needs of corporate clientele.

The beauty of the Kaiser Premium Health Plan is that was designed to provide care beyond that of an HMO. Its strength is in long-term care. Kaiser's product is geared to address the long-term health care needs of individuals especially after employment and retirement years.

The Kaiser Premium Health Builder Plan allows the member to put away a small amount of money while he is still covered by his company's health plan, and while he has the earning capacity that allows him to set aside money. When he no longer has a job- and it follows, is no longer earn, he can now call on the savings his Kaiser Plan has earned him, and use that to pay for his medical expenses.

In a country where "family" is a value, more than 50% of parents end up relying on their children or other relatives to support them in their old age. While HMO's provide the financing for medical and health concerns while a persons is employed, this support disappears once one quits, is in between jobs, or is too old or sick to work. Just at the point when one is most in need, Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc. Has created a product that addresses the long-term healthcare needs of individuals especially after their employment and retirement years. It grants financial independence to people who are normally helpless during the time when they most need medical attention and support.

The Kaiser Premium Healthbuilder Plan is a healthcare plan that allows one to control his own health and provide for his own future.

Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc. is an actuarially-sound, product-based business. It brings together the best features of an HMO, Health Savings Plan, and a financial investment.

  • An innovative program, the first of it's kind in the country;
  • Guarantees long-term care even after the age of sixty when the client has only himself to rely on;
  • Healthcare coverage, savings, emergency fund, and insurance rolled into one;
  • An accumulative, self-earning investment that comes with Return of Payment for non-utilization in the first five (5) years of coverage;
  • A portable account! Even if you change or lose jobs, your plan and funds stay with you;
  • A four-way insurance coverage:
    1. Term Life
    2. Accidental death and dismemberment
    3. Waiver of installment due to death
    4. Waiver of installment due to permanent and total disability;
  • Outpatient benefits, annual physical examinations and dental coverage;
  • Coverage is for individuals but can be installed in companies as a health savings salary deduction program;
  • No exclusions from 6th year onward;
  • Flexible, transferable and upgradeable;
  • Annual lifetime healthcare benefits at age 60 and up;
  • Payable in 5 years only with fixed rates for the entire paying period;
  • Issue age up to 60, but coverability extends after 60; and,
  • Reinstatement can be done within 2 years after lapsed policy.

Hospitals:                   295      
Clinics/Laboratories:   188                
Coordinators:             500  
Specialists:              4,000

To know more about Kaiser Health Insurance Policy please send us your inquiry at or We are glad to help you.

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